It is no secret that buildings can save 20% to 40% of their energy costs through proven energy-efficient equipment and control systems. Yet, many building owners do not implement the projects due to a combination of lack of capital and lack of trust in the expected savings. As a result, many NPV-positive projects do not get implemented and energy is simply wasted through inaction.
With Efficiency as-a-Service, building owners can simply subscribe to a new service, where they only pay for the value of negawatts, i.e. the energy that is not consumed, at a price below the existing energy prices. What is more, this comes at no risk to the building owner: If the savings do not materialize, they don’t pay for it. So if negawatts are cheaper than watts and can make a building green, why not take advantage of it?
Clearly, the easiest and most hassle-free way to pay for energy efficiency improvements is “efficiency as a service”. HELiOS can arrange to finance the costs of implementing energy efficiency projects and charges back to the building owner the energy savings. The building owner only pays for delivered energy savings.Click here to learn more about HELiOS ESA™.